Designed for soldiers in battlefields


Bleeding Control Solutions, Combat Proven Technology

Advanced Haemostatic Gauze
USFDA Cleared, 510(k) K222909
NSN Codified: 6510-72-057-0460

5 Years Shelf Life

Can be stuffed into deep wounds

Reduced risk of rebleeding & contamination

100% Chitosan Z Fold Gauze

Active on all sides

Rugged camouflage vacuum sealed packaging

Easy to apply and painless removal

Our Global Footprint: Extending to 50+ Countries


Ordering Information – Emergency

Product Description NSN Code Product Code Product Size Packaging
Axiostat® MIL300 6510-72-057-0460 MIL300 7.6cm x 300cm Individual
Axiostat® MIL150/L150 6510-72-057-0462 MIL150/L150 7.6cm x 150cm Individual
Axiostat® MIL88/L88 6510-72-057-0464 MIL88/L88 8cm x 8cm Box of 10

Recommended for

Axiostat Military Haemostats are designed to be used in battlefield conditions and comes in rugged metal pouch, camouflaged packing for easy carrying.

Axiostat uses Protonated Bioadhesive Technology (PBT®), which is a battlefield proven technology to achieve haemostasis in a easier and quicker way. The product and technology assists special forces to stop profuse bleeding caused due to on-field calamities

Reach us to know more about on-field usage

About Us

A collaborative study with Harvard
Medical School
Pivotal study on haemostats & their mechanism of action in controlling massive bleeding
Axiostat Gauze is now
USFDA Cleared, 510(k) K222909